Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway (also known simply as Peter Rabbit 2) is a 2021 3D live-action/computer-animated adventure comedy film directed and produced by Will Gluck, who co-wrote the screenplay with Patrick Burleigh. The film is a sequel to 2018's Peter Rabbit produced by Sony Pictures Animation, and is based on the stories of Peter Rabbit created by Beatrix Potter. The film stars the voice of James Corden as the title character, alongside Rose Byrne, Domhnall Gleeson, and David Oyelowo in live-action roles, and the voices of Elizabeth Debicki, Lennie James, and Margot Robbie.
After facing numerous delays from its original February 2020 release date due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the film was released theatrically by Sony Pictures Releasing under its Columbia Pictures label, first in Australia on March 25, 2021, then in the United Kingdom on May 17 and in the United States on June 11. The film has grossed over $153 million worldwide and received mixed reviews from critics.
The film opens with the wedding of Thomas (Domhnall Gleeson) and Bea (Rose Byrne), with all their friends, human and animal, in attendance. Peter Rabbit (James Corden) tells Benjamin Bunny (Colin Moody) that he is totally fine with Thomas marrying Bea, until the priest mentions Thomas becoming like a father to the animals. Peter appears to go berserk and attacks Thomas, leading the other animals to attack the humans until Peter makes Thomas float away on balloons. This is, of course, in Peter’s head, and he still accepts this new part of his life.
After their honeymoon, Thomas helps Bea as she works on her children’s storybooks based on Peter and his friends. Peter is a bit dismayed to know that the books have portrayed him as “naughty”. Outside, he talks to a mouse friend who talks about his life as a married mouse with kids, and Peter doesn’t want to think about Thomas and Bea starting their own family without him. Bea then gets a letter in the mail from a publisher who wants to distribute her books.
Thomas and Bea take Peter, Benjamin, Flopsy (Margot Robbie), Mopsy (Elizabeth Debicki), and Cottontail (Aimee Horne) to meet the publisher, Nigel Basil-Jones (David Oyelowo). The other rabbits, barring a suspicious Cottontail, seem to like Nigel, until he presents his marketing plan toward the rabbits, which paints Peter as a troublemaker. They even see a billboard for a potential Peter Rabbit movie, which makes him look outright villainous. Flopsy and Mopsy, meanwhile, don’t like that people can’t seem to tell them apart or always associate one with the other.
The link to download Peter Rabbit 2: The Runway Movie is below the cast...
Cast :
- Rose Byrne as Bea McGregor
- Domhnall Gleeson as Thomas McGregor
- David Oyelowo as Nigel Basil-Jones
In May 2018, it was announced that Sony Pictures had started the development of the sequel to Peter Rabbit. In February 2019, it was announced David Oyelowo had joined the cast of the film, with Rose Byrne and Domnhall Gleeson reprising their roles from the first. Elizabeth Debicki and Margot Robbie were confirmed to reprise their respective roles in October 2019.